Date published 20 June 2022
Last reviewed 23 December 2024

CCC Corruption Audit plan 2021 - 2023

The CCC conducts audits to examine how public sector agencies have responded to particular types of complaints about corruption and how robust their complaints management and prevention frameworks are. The audits are also aimed at controlling the risks of corruption. It explains the CCC’s audit focus, its concerns over particular corruption risk areas, and the agencies to be audited. 

Our audits planned for 2021-23 will focus on misuse of public resources, recruitment, and complaint management practices.

Our plan also allows scope for audits to be conducted in significant risk areas as the need arises.

Meetings with lobbyists: are you adequately minimising corruption risks?Lobbying or advocacy on issues of public concern or in the public interest can have many beneficial outcomes for the people of Queensland. However, lobbying can be a corruption risk when its aim is to improperly influence decision-makers to not act in the public interest. 

During 2022–23, the CCC conducted an audit to identify areas where frameworks for managing and recording contact between government representatives and lobbyists could be enhanced.

This publication Audit Summary - Meetings with lobbyists - are you adequately minimising corruption risks? — December 2024 has been prepared to assist all public authorities to be aware of the corruption risks relating to regulated lobbying and ensure they have suitable frameworks in place to prevent these risks.

Audit Summary - Misuse of public resources: how effectively are agencies minimising risk - coverIn 2021, the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) conducted a corruption audit of seven agencies to ascertain how effectively they had:

  • dealt with allegations of corruption involving misuse of public resources
  • reduced the incidence of corruption, and
  • in particular, minimised the risk of fuel consumption fraud.

With the current increase in the cost of fuel, the CCC also recommends that agencies may need to strengthen their theft prevention mechanisms in relation to this particular consumable.

View Audit Summary "Misuse of public resources: how effectively are agencies minimising risk".

A stand-alone Prevention guide “Minimising fuel consumption fraud: a guide for agencies” has been designed to assist agencies develop an anti-corruption program to prevent bulk fuel theft.


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Corruption Prevention Resources
Corruption prevention
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