The CCC is Queensland’s anti-corruption body. We deal with corruption that affects the state’s public sector, using special powers under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.

Corruption has been described as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. Read about the CCC's role as an anti-corruption body

The CCC uses this definition to assess whether a complaint is within our jurisdiction

Advice and resources to help you write your complaint.

Make a complaint of corrupt conduct or police misconduct either online (at any time) or by telephone (between the hours of 9:30am and 4:00pm on business days).

When we refer matters to agencies, we use our monitoring powers to oversee how they are dealt with

We provide corruption prevention material to all public sector staff and supervisors to help identify corruption risks

The CCC Corruption Allegations Data Dashboard is a data visualisation tool that allows users to interrogate CCC corruption allegations data.

Responses from employees of Queensland government departments and their perceptions of corruption and integrity.

Information about our public hearings is published on this website, including terms of reference, witness lists, and transcripts and exhibits