Creating an ethical culture, setting standards of behaviour and being alert to potential corruption are now essential management responsibilities. The CCC makes corruption prevention material available to all public sector staff and supervisors to help them identify the red flags that may indicate a corruption threat to your agency.
Corporate Strategies, Plans, Policies and Reports
Our Corruption Strategy defines where we will focus our efforts over the next 4 years.
This information will help councillors understand and meet their obligations, and act with integrity while improving the lives of people in the communities they represent.
The CCC Corruption Allegations Data Dashboard is a data visualisation tool that allows users to interrogate CCC corruption allegations data.
Corruption Prevention Resources
This series draws on CCC investigations to highlight specific prevention lessons for public sector agencies
Corruption Prevention Resources
Read our Corruption Prevention Advisory series to help identify major corruption risks
Responses from employees of Queensland government departments and their perceptions of corruption and integrity.