How Machinery of Government (MoG) changes are displayed on the dashboard
The Corruption Allegations Data Dashboard is prepared to reflect the establishment and abolition of departments, and capture any departmental name changes since July 2015. This means that, for the same work unit, older allegations may be captured under now-abolished departments, and newer allegations may be captured under recently established departments. For example, prior to 21 December 2017, Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) was part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG). Following the 2017 MoG changes, QCS became a separate department. In terms of reporting, this means allegations relating to QCS from before 21 December 2017 are captured in data for DJAG, and allegations relating to QCS from 21 December 2017 onwards are captured in data for QCS.
Please refer to the Queensland Government‘s website for all MoG changes.