To mark International Anti-Corruption Day (IAC Day) 2020, CCC Chairperson Alan MacSporran QC has written to all newly appointed State Government Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General, urging them to be advocates for integrity and anti-corruption.
IAC Day is an initiative of the United Nations. It is celebrated each year on 9 December as a timely reminder of the importance of taking a positive and proactive stance against corruption.
Mr MacSporran has invited all Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General to partner with the CCC to make Queensland resistant to corruption and corrupt attempts to influence decision-makers.
In his letter the Chairperson warned of the temptations that can confront senior decision-makers when being courted by lobbyists, political donors and consultants.
“There may be an expectation among some individuals or private sector corporations that they are entitled to special treatment,” Mr MacSporran said.
He reiterated that the CCC will be particularly vigilant in monitoring public–private sector interaction, and in ensuring that business is conducted transparently and with integrity.
“This year in particular the impact of COVID-19, with its resultant pressure to stimulate economic recovery, coincides with considerable machinery of government (MOG) changes.
“I seek your assistance to support the CCC’s efforts to ensure that the culture of our State’s public sector closely aligns with community expectations of it,” he said.
The CCC is an independent agency combating major crime and reducing corruption for the benefit of the Queensland community.