Date published 8 December 2020
Last modified 29 March 2021

International Anti-Corruption Day (IAC Day) is celebrated each year on 9 December as an initiative of the United Nations. It is a reminder of the importance of taking a positive and proactive stance against corruption.

The UN message of “United against Corruption” reinforces that preventing corruption is a shared responsibility.

It is a reminder of the importance of taking a positive and proactive stance against corruption.

Parliament House QueenslandTo mark IAC Day 2020, CCC Chairperson Alan MacSporran QC has written to all newly appointed State Government Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General, urging them to be advocates for integrity and anti-corruption.

Prior to the State Government election in October this year, Mr MacSporran addressed an open letter to all candidates asking them to conduct their campaigns with integrity and transparency. 

With the recent swearing-in of Queensland’s 57th Parliament and machinery of government changes in place, Mr MacSporran has asked Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General to partner with the CCC to make Queensland resistant to corruption and corrupt attempts to influence decision-makers.

In his letter Mr MacSporran warned Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General of the temptations that can confront senior decision-makers when being courted by lobbyists, political donors and consultants, and of expectations from individuals or private sector entities of being entitled to special treatment.  

He reiterated that the CCC will be particularly vigilant in monitoring public–private sector interaction, and in ensuring that business is conducted transparently and with integrity, even in the wake of COVID-19.

This theme’s IAC Day theme “Recover with integrity” highlights that real recovery from COVID-19 can only be achieved with integrity.

Such efforts requires the involvement of strong anti-corruption bodies, more open and transparent public procurement and includes enhanced anti-corruption compliance by the private sector.

Mr MacSporran reinforced to the Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Directors-General the importance of ensuring that the culture of the public sector is closely aligned with community expectations of it.

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