Date published 09 August 2019
Last modified 20 September 2019

Mr Pat Mullins

Pat is a practising solicitor and senior partner of Mullins Lawyers. Pat practises in the areas of employment, church and charities, education and insurance litigation and has over 35 years’ experience in these fields.

Pat is a Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialist in both Personal Injuries Law and Mediation Law.  Pat's dual accreditation is unique in Queensland. He mediates disputes relating to personal injury, employment and industrial relations, deceased estates, commercial and other disputes.  He is the only accredited specialist in mediation law who mediates disputes in these areas.

Ms Julie Cork 

Julie has worked at senior and executive levels in both the Commonwealth and State public sectors. Her areas of expertise include governance, organisational effectiveness, leadership and management development, human resource management, misconduct, equity and diversity. In addition to her role as a Police Service Review Commissioner, she is a Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal panel member. She runs an organisational consultancy business and works with clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

She has previously held appointments as a lay panel member with the Legal Practices Tribunal (2004–2010) and as a Commissioner of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (2001–2004).

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