The Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) will further explore how influence and access to government and public sector decision-makers is obtained, the corruption risks that may arise with influencing practices and whether existing legislative, regulatory and reporting mechanisms are adequate in safeguarding and mitigating those risks.
The CCC and other integrity agencies across Australia have repeatedly expressed concerns that these practices can lead to, or increase the risk of, improper influence or partial decision-making, resulting in corrupt practices and an erosion of public confidence in government.
To assist the CCC with its further consideration of this issue, we are asking for people to share their views, via public submissions, on a range of topics related to influence, decision-making and transparency in Queensland. Key areas of interest include fairness and equity in government decision-making, and management of conflicts of interest.
A discussion paper titled, ‘Influencing practices in Queensland: Have your say’ has been published on the CCC’s website inviting submissions on a range of topics related to influence, decision-making and transparency in Queensland. Submissions are due by close of business on Friday 29 July 2022.
In addition to the receipt of submissions, the CCC’s further work will involve:
- Assessing the extent to which contact between lobbyists and government and opposition representatives are being accurately recorded by public authorities. The audit will involve examining the records of a sample of public authorities, including state government departments and local councils, as well as Members of Parliament and ministerial offices. The audit will also consider the adequacy of public agencies’ existing frameworks and their policies and procedures for managing and recording interactions with lobbyists.
- Consultation with individuals or groups involved in influencing practices.
About submissions
Submissions should address one or more of the discussion points listed in the discussion paper. Submissions do not need to address every discussion point and can be public, anonymous or confidential.
Submissions are due by close of business on Friday 29 July 2022 and can be made by emailing [email protected] or via post to Influencing Practices, Crime and Corruption Commission, GPO Box 3123, Brisbane, QLD, 4001.
For more information on the CCC’s continuing work in examining influencing practices and to obtain details on how to make a submission, you can access the discussion paper ‘Influencing practices in Queensland: Have your say’ at: