What does a Crime Commission do?
The CCC is Queensland’s only standing crime commission. Its role within the State’s criminal justice system is to protect Queenslanders from major crime by using its specialist expertise and powers in cooperation with the Queensland Police Service, law enforcement partners and other relevant agencies.
The CCC does not have primary responsibility for law enforcement in Queensland — that is the role of the Queensland Police Service. Unlike the QPS, we are not a primary point of contact for the public and are not first-responders when crimes are reported by the public.
Our role is to provide specialist services to assist agencies, at their request, in cases where the primary response has not been, or is not likely to be, effective. We also have a significant role in contributing to and influencing developments in law enforcement through active collaboration and innovation.
How the CCC fights crime
As a crime commission, the CCC contributes to the overall crime-fighting effort through a focused use of special powers, dedicated resources in intelligence and investigation, and close cooperation with other law enforcement agencies. CCC investigation teams are multidisciplinary. They include lawyers, police, investigators, intelligence analysts, forensic computer experts, forensic accountants, and surveillance and technical specialists.
The following are our key strategies:
Focus on key targets and specific types of crime
As a specialist agency, the CCC has to focus on investigating the criminal activities that are most harmful to Queensland. Strategic intelligence helps us identify these areas and key persons of interest.
We can only investigate matters referred to us by an oversight committee, in line with what are called our general and specific referrals
Use coercive hearings
A key strength of the CCC is its ability to use coercive hearings to gain new information and evidence. Many of these hearings are held to support partner agencies’ investigations that have not progressed using normal police methods. These CCC powers are used to investigate networks involved in drug trafficking, criminal groups including criminal motorcycle gangs, armed robberies or weapons-related activity. They are also used in serious crimes such as murder, arson or rape.
Recover the proceeds of crime
Organised crime is profit-driven, so attacking its profitability and preventing its expansion by confiscating the proceeds of crime is a key disruption strategy. Financial investigations may also generate valuable intelligence, leading to further investigations.
Inform the community
We publish declassified intelligence and research reports to inform the community of current issues in law enforcement and crime prevention such as cold-call investment fraud and drugs.