Date published 29 June 2011

The aim of of the CMC's 2011 review of the Prostitution Act 1999 was to update the picture of the prostitution environment in Queensland since the CMC's previous review in 2004.

The CMC found that the situation has remained relatively stable, with the Act effectively regulating the licensed brothel sector. In this state, licensed brothels:

  • have minimal impact on community amenity
  • show no evidence of corruption and organised crime (other than illegal prostitution)
  • provide sex workers who want to leave the industry access to exit and retraining programs
  • provide sex workers with a safe workplace and healthy environment.

Tabling in State Parliament: 

Regulating prostitution: An evaluation of the Prostitution Act 1999 was tabled in Parliament on 21 December 2004
Regulating prostitution: A follow-up review of the Prostitution Act 1999 was tabled in Parliament on 29 June 2011. 

The CMC's 2011 review sought views from the prostitution industry, key stakeholders and interest groups to update the picture of prostitution environments in Queensland. 

Submissions to the CMC's review of the Prostitution Act

All submissions received in response to the CMC’s Review of the Prostitution Act 1999 have been published below, unless we were requested not to do so. Some have had identifying particulars removed, while others have been edited to remove material not considered appropriate for publication. However, all submissions were considered as part of the review process.

Thank you to everyone who provided input.

Government/Statutory bodies and agencies

Cairns Regional Council 
Prostitution Licensing Authority 

Interest groups

Respect Inc. 
Scarlet Alliance 


Submission 1
Submission 2 
Submission 3
Submission 4 
Submission 5
Submission 6

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Legislative Reviews
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