Date published 29 November 1994
Last reviewed 14 December 2022

28-29 November 1994

Conference sponsors: 

  1. Criminal Justice Commission
  2. Centre for Crime Policy and Public Safety, Griffith University
  3. Queensland Government Statistician's Office 

This volume contains, in revised form, all of the papers presented at the symposium, plus a paper on 'The Future of the ABS Crime and Safety Survey' prepared after the symposium by Ian Crettenden, Director of the ABS National Courts Statistics Unit (which will be responsible for future national ABS surveys). The volume also includes an extremely useful summary table of all crime victims surveys conducted in Australia since 1975, prepared by the Crime Statistics Unit of the Queensland GSO. Collectively, the papers reproduced here represent a significant contribution to the literature on crime victims surveys and should serve as a valuable resource for researchers, statisticians and policy-makers, interested in this field of inquiry. 


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