Date published 15 August 2019

Taskforce Flaxton: public submissions

In April 2018, the CCC invited stakeholders and members of the public to contribute to Taskforce Flaxton.

To date the CCC has received 33 submissions. Submissions can be accessed below unless otherwise indicated as:

Confidential not for publication - This means the submitter did not consent to their submission being published on the CCC website.

Anonymous – This means the submitter consented to their submission being published on the CCC website, without their name being disclosed.

Where necessary, submissions have been redacted to remove material not considered appropriate for publication. This was done having regard to the criteria for handling submissions set out in the Issues paper and invitation for public submissions.

All submissions, even those redacted for publication purposes, are being considered by the CCC. Thank you to everyone who provided input.

The CCC expects to receive some additional submissions (approval has been granted). These will be reviewed by the CCC and, where applicable, published in the coming weeks.

Submission 1 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 2 Part 1 - Anonymous
Submission 2 Part 2 - Anonymous
Submission 3 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 4 - Prisoners' Legal Service
Submission 5 - Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
Submission 6 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 7 - Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union
Submission 8 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 9 - Anonymous
Submission 10 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 11 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Submission 12 - Public submission but contains complaint information not appropriate for publication
Submission 13 - Legal Aid
Submission 14 - Anonymous
Submission 15 - Queensland Ombudsman
Submission 16 - Serco Australia
Submission 17 - Anonymous
Submission 18 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 19 - Sisters Inside
Submission 20 - Office of the Information Commissioner
Submission 21 - Anonymous
Submission 22 - Queensland Police Service
Submission 23 Part 1 - Anonymous
Submission 23 Part 2 - Anonymous
Submission 24 - GEO Group
Submission 25 - United Voice
Submission 26 - Office of the Chief Inspector
Submission 27 - Queensland Corrective Services
Submission 28 - Together Queensland
Submission 29 - Queensland Law Society
Submission 30 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 31 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 32 - Confidential not for publication
Submission 33 - Public submission but contains complaint information not appropriate for publication
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