Date published: 28 May 2008

The Crime and Misconduct Commission will hold a public hearing into an allegation of official misconduct by former Director-General of the Department of Employment and Training (DET) Scott Flavell.

The CMC is examining Mr Flavell’s role and possible conflicts of interest in the establishment and development of a private skills training company while he was Director-General, including the alleged provision of departmental information which led to the private company negotiating and purchasing Registered Training Organisations.

Following his departure from DET, Mr Flavell was appointed a Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the private company. He no longer holds these positions.

The CMC will also use the results of its investigation to look at possible recommendations to assist in dealing with pre and post employment separation issues involving ministers and senior executive officers in the public service.

The public hearing will commence on Monday 14 July 2008 and sit for about one week.


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