The Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) has updated its Corruption Allegations Data Dashboard (CADD) to include data up to 30 June 2021.
The expanded data set means allegations data for the period 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2021 is now available on the CCC website.
The CCC receives complaints about corrupt conduct from members of the public and public sector agencies, and many of these complaints contain multiple allegations. When aggregated, allegations data provides useful and transparent information about corruption in Queensland.
The CADD is a tool which provides members of the public and public servants with the ability to view CCC allegations data, learn about the number and types of matters received by the CCC, and identify agencies related to the allegations.
It is important to understand that the allegations displayed in the CADD have not necessarily been assessed nor investigated by the CCC, and therefore the data does not represent finalised outcomes of matters progressed by the CCC. For this reason, no inferences can be drawn, and no conclusions can be made about the merit of individual allegations.
To view the latest data dashboard, including a glossary of terms and instructions on how to interpret the data, click here. The latest Machinery of Government changes occurred on 12 November 2020. All allegations received by the CCC after that date are reported in the dashboard to reflect the latest departmental structures.
The CCC is an independent agency combating major crime and reducing corruption for the benefit of the Queensland community.