Date published: 4 July 2022 | Last modified: 04 July 2022

The Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) has tabled its report on an investigation into allegations of disclosure of confidential information at the office of the Integrity Commissioner, known as Investigation Workshop, in State Parliament today. 

The investigation explored three matters:

  • Whether there was any improper disclosure of information by an officer working in the Integrity Commissioner’s office
  • The circumstances surrounding the ‘raid’ on the Integrity Commissioner’s office and the ‘seizure’ of laptops from that office
  • The information security arrangements in relation to the confidential information held by the Integrity Commissioner.

In relation to those three matters, the CCC’s investigation concluded that:

  • There was no evidence of improper disclosure.
  • The circumstances in which the laptops were retrieved from the Integrity Commissioner’s office were entirely ordinary, and the descriptions of ‘raid’ and ‘seizure’ do not reflect the reality of what occurred. Further, the circumstances in which one laptop was ‘wiped’ are wholly unremarkable.
  • The information security arrangements in relation to information held by the Integrity Commissioner have been in place since the office’s inception. While there may be occasion to reconsider those arrangements as part of the broader review of the structural arrangements for the Integrity Commissioner, there was no evidence to suggest that these arrangements had led to any improper access of confidential Integrity Commissioner information.

The CCC has made recommendations to consider the ongoing suitability of information security arrangements.

The report titled Investigation Workshop: An investigation into allegations of disclosure of confidential information at the office of the Integrity Commissioner, is available on the CCC's website.

The CCC is an independent agency combating major crime and reducing corruption for the benefit of the Queensland community.

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