On Wednesday 5 May 2021, the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) began rolling out an ‘Integrity Survey’ across public service departments to better understand the perceptions of corruption risks, attitudes towards reporting corruption, and integrity among state government employees.
The survey is part of the next phase of the CCC’s broader engagement project which aims to better understand perceptions and corruption risks within the Queensland public sector.
In addition, it is hoped that the survey findings will help inform the CCC’s ongoing corruption prevention work, provide insight into how to tackle risks, and assist in developing strategies, prevention capabilities, and improve integrity and transparency within this sector.
Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous, and all responses will be private and confidential. The survey will be distributed to staff by departmental Directors-General.
CCC Chairperson, Alan MacSporran QC, said that information collected from the survey will complement and inform the CCC’s current review of its Corruption Prevention Strategy.
“Previous consultations with public service departments have identified that a large number of agencies rely on the CCC to help them identify and detect corruption risks.
“The CCC has begun writing to departments seeking their support in distributing the survey and we encourage employees who have not received the survey to reach out to their ethical standards and integrity unit for access, in the next couple of days,” Mr MacSporran said.
The project has been approved by the CCC’s Executive Leadership Team and ethical advice has been provided by an independent Human Research Ethics Advisory Panel. Key findings from the survey will be shared with departments, in the future.
The CCC is an independent agency combating crime and reducing corruption for the benefit of the Queensland community.