Date published 3 September 2021
Last modified 28 October 2021

Perceptions of corruption and integrity in Queensland state government departments cover imageIn May-June 2021, the CCC surveyed employees of Queensland’s 19 public service departments (including 16 Hospital and Health Services) about their perceptions of corruption and integrity. They were asked questions about:

  • the prevalence and perceptions of corruption in the public sector, their department, and their work unit
  • corruption risks and/or behaviours that they suspected or had witnessed
  • departmental attitudes towards reporting corruption, and
  • corruption prevention and education in their department.

The findings from this survey will inform the CCC’s ongoing corruption prevention work and will assist public service departments to develop anti-corruption strategies tailored to the needs of their employees.

Findings from the survey have been shared with each of the departments that participated.

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Publication Type
Research and Intelligence
Corruption prevention
Public sector
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